Anti Money Laundering

Advanced AI solution to detect suspicious behaviour

Minimise risks, prevent criminal activities and comply with regulations efficiently - these are the most important goals in anti money laundering. Unfortunately, they are not always compatible. Static rules and simple name-checking solutions often result in too many false positives or fail to detect true positives.

DetectX® predictive analytics based solutions reduce the regulatory burden, prevent fraudulent activities and comply with the regulatory requirements from relevant authorities.

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering

Risk-based protection against money laundering

The DetectX®-AML, Anti Money Laundering solution, provides real-time monitoring of information in the form of data and text (e.g. financial transactions, customer information, media news) to prevent money laundering activities.

DetectX®-AML is configured according to the specific needs and risk exposures of a company. A wide range of filtering and search methods are available to cover both simple and complex detection scenarios.

Based on our award-winning predictive analytics platform DetectX®, DetectX®-AML achieves maximised true detections while minimising false alerts. The ongoing feedback learning process continuously improves the detection quality and increases the efficiency and security of daily operations.

Revealing hidden connections

Compliance work can concentrate on the most important cases. This is supported by link analysis, which reveals hidden connections between persons, companies and transactions.

DetectX Media Search Screenshot

The MediaSearch function finds relevant documents on the Internet for a suspicious case. In e-banking, the Digital Fingerprint module ensures that unauthorised persons do not carry out financial transactions by detecting unusual user behaviour.

Includes complementary modules

All investigation steps are recorded in an audit-proof manner and can be traced transparently at any time.

The freely definable workflow covers the different needs of customers and industries (e.g. banks, insurance companies, money transfer, casinos, betting offices, jewelers, lawyers etc.).

The integration modules ensure easy integration into existing applications. 

Comprehensive security through

Effective transaction monitoring for the detection of money laundering suspicious transactions

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Comprehensive Security

Online and batch checks against customer and partner relations in embargo lists, sanction lists, PEP lists, terror lists and blacklists (including list service)

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Comprehensive Security

Digital fingerprint in e-banking to prevent transactions by unauthorised persons

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Comprehensive Security

Peer group and link analyses

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Comprehensive Security

Adverse media search in any data sources

Adverse media search in any data sources

Key features of DetectX-AML

High performance, adaptive filters and matching algorithms to maximise detections with minimised false alerts

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Features

Workflow for analysis, investigation and documentation of suspicious cases including MediaSearch

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Features

Flexible reporting

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Features

Easy integration into existing environments

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Features

Benefits of DetectX-AML

Customised risk monitoring

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Key Benefits

High security with maximum detection rates

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Key Benefits

Process efficiency with minimised false alerts and efficient workflows

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Key Benefits

Easy setup

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Key Benefits

Cost effective

DetectX-AML Anti Money Laundering Key Benefits

Regulatory requirements and compliance

In the area of Anti Money Laundering (AML), Fraud Detection and Prevention the products support the internationally recognised and accepted GAFI / FATF recommendations as well as the fulfilment of the regulatory requirements of the Swiss GwG, FINMA-GwV, VsB 16 and KAG on a very high-quality level.

The solutions are based on precise analytics and support the user in the fulfilment of the MiFID /EMIR requirements as well as the Swiss FinfraG, FidleG, BEHG, KAG and KKG acts, laws and regulations in the areas of risk based customer analysis, product suitability rule and exception handling, market transparency and cross border.

The products also support the qualitative and quantitative regulatory requirements in the areas of BASEL II/III, CRR and CRD IV minimal regulatory capital calculation, liquidity risk analysis (LCR / NSFR), static and dynamic stress testing and simulations, collateral optimisation and many others.

DetectX® Solutions

The DetectX® platform supports a range of powerful business solutions:

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